Press Coverage
Interview on “Super Artists Design”
Aired on May 7, 2017, the show on BLTV is my first nation-wide interview on TV. I was interviewed by the award-winning celebrity host Huang Tzu-Chiao and we talked about my career, inspirations, and work.
人間衛視 創藝多腦河 節目專訪
Interview by Cing-Fong Art
The Cing-Fong Art Gallery made a fantastic coverage on my “Leaf Tenmoku” work. Celebrity writer and TV host Betty Wu appeared in this clip to talk about her understanding and appreciation of Leaf Tenmoku.
啨風藝術 木葉天目 專題
Duo-Exhibition with Chen Yi-Ren
News coverage on my duo-exhibition with the talented fellow ceramist Chen Yi-Ren in September 2018.
黃玉英 程逸仁 創作聯展報導
暢新聞報導: 意與形陶創混和,融合東西方概念思考與西式生命律動,東方神秘感柔和碰撞的陶藝時尚新主張,陶藝家黃玉英與程逸仁陶藝創作展9日在74號藝術中心開幕,陶藝家程逸仁這次展出許多如漆陶壺、鐵鏽壺等作品,還有許多茶陶藝精品。黃玉英老師這次展出包括薰衣草花田、木葉天目、海洋世界、燻燒…等四個系列作品。